Saturday, July 2, 2016

google interview: uniform sampling from an infinite stream

// You have a stream of infinite queries (ie: real time Google search queries
// that people are entering).  Describe how you would go about finding a good
// estimate of 1000 samples from this never ending set of data and then write
// code for it.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>

// Reservoir Sampling
// did it here
// but wow 2010 is so long ago..

// ok so the explanation:
// you have stream and u need to sample from N "good" items it..  assumably
// "good" means uniform here so until you have the first N items u just take
// every thing
// now the tricky part when u get the N+1 item each item is therefore supposed
// to have a N/(N+1) probability of being in the output so the new item has a
// N/(N+1) chance of selection and all the existing items have a 1/N chance of
// begin rejected..
// then we can generalize to the (N+x)-th sample.  when u get the N+x item each
// item is therefore supposed to have a N/(N+x) probability of being in the
// output so the new item has a N/(N+x) chance of selection and all the
// existing items have a 1/N chance of begin rejected

template <typename Type>
class ReservoirSample
    typedef std::vector<Type> Samples;

    std::size_t       size_;
    std::size_t       count_;
    std::vector<Type> samples_;

    ReservoirSample(unsigned int size) :

    float rand()
        return static_cast<float>(std::rand() % 1000) / 1000.0;

    void sample(Type& item)
        count_ += 1;
        if (samples_.size() < size_)
            float chance = static_cast<float>(size_)/static_cast<float>(count_);

            if (rand() < chance)
                std::size_t idx = size_ * rand();
                samples_[idx] = item;

    std::vector<Type>& samples()
        return samples_;

void test(int selection,
          int streamSize)
    // testing random stuff can be a pain.. you either de-random it
    // or you repeat and confirm the expected distrubution (uniform...)
    const int cycles = 100000;
    std::vector<int> freq(streamSize,0);

    for (int j = 0; j < cycles; ++j)
        ReservoirSample<int> sampler(selection);

        for (int i = 0; i < streamSize; ++i)

        const std::vector<int>& samples = sampler.samples();
        for ( std::vector<int>::const_iterator sit = samples.begin();
              sit != samples.end();

    // each number will come up once in a cycle and "selection" are choosen out of "streamSize"
    float expected
        = (static_cast<float>(cycles)
           * static_cast<float>(selection))
        / static_cast<float>(streamSize);

    // and lets give it +/- 5% .. (which will fail now and then..)
    float expectMin = 0.95 * expected;
    float expectMax = 1.05 * expected;

    for (int i = 0; i < streamSize; ++i)
        bool passed = freq[i] > expectMin and freq[i] < expectMax;
        std::cout << std::setw(3) << i << ":" << freq[i]
                  << " " << (passed ? "passed" : "FAILED")
                  << "\n";
    std::cout << "\n";

int main()


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 25:3390 passed
 26:3351 passed
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 29:3432 passed

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 27:10003 passed
 28:10172 passed
 29:10147 passed

  0:23484 passed
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 29:23325 passed

  0:49663 passed
  1:49911 passed
  2:50401 passed
  3:49617 passed
  4:49691 passed
  5:50278 passed
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 29:49742 passed

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