Update: I have just found some more time and added one more improvement that cuts of more time (bottom up to reachable only) .. i had another improvement in mind (reachable + astar distance until end via max usable coin).. BUT this had 2 issues the astar is a greedy so not perfect and the use of a priority queue added significant overhead, destroying all benefit of it anyway..
Update2: I cracked the asymptotic constant version.. kicks these out of the room.. check out http://code-slim-jim.blogspot.com/2016/07/google-interview-compute-mininual-coins.html (next post after this one)
// http://www.impactinterview.com/2009/10/140-google-interview-questions/#software_engineer // // Given a set of coin denominators, find the minimum number of coins to give a // certain amount of change. #include <cstdint> #include <climits> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <functional> #include <chrono> #include <memory> #include <list> // This question is quite interesting, even though it simple to ask the range // of potential solutions is wide as far as i see it you have 2 main choices: // 1) you can treat it as a graph and perform BFS, astar, etc to search on it // 2) you can treat it as a recursion and dynamic programming question // Given that this can form a tree you can also use greedy search to find a // solution. BUT since you are searching for the *minimal* length the result // from greedy is likely to be sub optimal. // Also note that we can have multiple solutions to the problem depending on // value and denominations 6 => 1+5 = 2+4 = ... etc // Its also possible to have no solutions (for example exclude 1 from the denominations) // So lets get started // A greedy implementation - a quick greedy way to the answer is to maximize // the largest coin // // Note this can give the *wrong* answer // Note expects reverse sorted coins (largest to smallest) std::vector<uint32_t> minCoins_greedy(uint32_t total, const std::vector<uint32_t>& denom) { std::vector<uint32_t> res(denom.size()+1,0); if (total == 0) return res; for(int i = 0; i < denom.size(); ++i) { uint32_t count = total / denom[i]; total -= (count * denom[i]); res[i] = count; res[denom.size()] += count; } if (total != 0) res[denom.size()] = INT_MAX; return res; } // The recursive implementation - simply walk the entire tree of possibilities // First we need to formulate the induction. We will add one coin each time // and then recurse. Hence the induction v[n] number of coins for total n is: // v[n] = 1 + v[n - c] // // Note denoms need to be in reverse order.. max to min! std::vector<uint32_t> minCoins_naive(uint32_t total, const std::vector<uint32_t>& denom) { std::vector<uint32_t> res(denom.size()+1,0); if (total == 0) return res; res[denom.size()] = INT_MAX; for(int i = 0; i < denom.size(); ++i) { if (total >= denom[i]) { std::vector<uint32_t> pass = minCoins_naive(total - denom[i], denom); if ((pass[denom.size()] + 1) < res[denom.size()]) { res = pass; ++(res[i]); ++(res[denom.size()]); } } } return res; } // Now the naive recursion is also computing items that we know are already // larger than our current known best min hence we can the prune tree here - // simply walk the entire tree until we reach a depth greater than the current // best min then stop because it cant be down there anymore // // Note denoms need to be in reverse order.. max to min! std::vector<uint32_t> minCoins_prunedImpl(uint32_t total, const std::vector<uint32_t>& denom, uint32_t depth, uint32_t maxDepth) { // found trim point.. if (depth > maxDepth) { // terminate this search path std::vector<uint32_t> res(denom.size()+1,0); res[denom.size()] = INT_MAX; return res; } // compute the greedy answer.. std::vector<uint32_t> res = minCoins_greedy(total,denom); // found loop termination.. if (res[denom.size()] == 1) return res; for(int i = 0; i < denom.size(); ++i) { if (total >= denom[i]) { uint32_t newMaxDepth = (maxDepth < depth + res[denom.size()] ) ? maxDepth : (depth + res[denom.size()] ); std::vector<uint32_t> pass = minCoins_prunedImpl(total - denom[i], denom, depth+1, newMaxDepth ); if ((pass[denom.size()] + 1) < res[denom.size()]) { res = pass; ++(res[i]); ++(res[denom.size()]); } } } return res; } std::vector<uint32_t> minCoins_pruned(uint32_t total, const std::vector<uint32_t>& denom) { return minCoins_prunedImpl(total, denom, 0, INT_MAX); } // Ok so we know now that the naive isn't smart, and pruning improves this but // the approach is still wasting allot of time... what if approach it as a // divide and conquer problem // // To achieve this we first reformulate the induction slightly // v[n] = 1 + v[n - c] // into // v[n] = v[c] + v[n - c] // // now we have moved from 1 coin at a time on the left and many on the right to // a full divide and conquer with many coins on both left and right. Since we are // now choosing multiple coins at one time we may as well pick all the coins from // each denomination and then remove it from the list. // // Note denoms need to be in reverse order.. max to min! std::vector<uint32_t> minCoins_divAndConqImpl(uint32_t total, const uint32_t* denomStart, const uint32_t* denomEnd) { std::size_t denomSize = denomEnd - denomStart; uint32_t maxCount = total / *denomStart; std::vector<uint32_t> res(denomSize+1,0); res[denomSize] = INT_MAX; if (denomSize == 1) { // last case cant search... so just give the only result possible uint32_t leftTotal = total - (maxCount * *denomStart); if (leftTotal == 0) { res[0] = maxCount; res[1] = maxCount; } return res; } uint32_t count = maxCount+1; { // first case might be special... no need to check it every time if (total == (maxCount * *denomStart)) { res[0] = maxCount; res[denomSize] = maxCount; count--; } } while (count > 0) { --count; uint32_t leftTotal = total - (count * *denomStart); std::vector<uint32_t> sub_res = minCoins_divAndConqImpl(leftTotal, denomStart + 1, denomEnd); if (sub_res[denomSize-1] != INT_MAX and (sub_res[denomSize - 1] + count) < res[denomSize]) { res[0] = count; for (int i = 0; i < denomSize; ++i) // NOTE the oddness.. because its copying total size as well res[i+1] = sub_res[i]; res[denomSize] += count; } } return res; } std::vector<uint32_t> minCoins_divAndConq(uint32_t total, const std::vector<uint32_t>& denom) { // we are dividing by making the full decision for each coin and then removing it from the list const uint32_t* denomStart = &(denom[0]); const uint32_t* denomEnd = &(denom[denom.size()-1]); denomEnd += 1; return minCoins_divAndConqImpl(total, denomStart, denomEnd); } // ok so the divide and conqueror makes a big difference.. but what if we stop // looking at this as a recursive problem and look at it from a dynamic // programming perspective, we will start with the top down approach and simply // cache the results from the prior recursive calls // // Note denoms need to be in reverse order.. max to min! std::vector<uint32_t>& minCoins_topImpl(uint32_t total, const std::vector<uint32_t>& denom, std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t> >& cache) { std::vector<uint32_t>& res = cache[total]; if (res[denom.size()] > 1 or total == 0) { return res; } res[denom.size()] = INT_MAX; // max and over flow the count.. for(int i = 0; i < denom.size(); ++i) { if (total >= denom[i]) { std::vector<uint32_t>& pass = minCoins_topImpl(total - denom[i], denom, cache); if ((pass[denom.size()] + 1) < res[denom.size()]) { res = pass; ++(res[i]); ++(res[denom.size()]); } } } return res; } std::vector<uint32_t> minCoins_top(uint32_t total, const std::vector<uint32_t>& denom) { // setup memory std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t> > cache; cache.resize(total + 1); for (int i = 0; i < total+1; ++i) cache[i].resize(denom.size()+1); return minCoins_topImpl(total, denom, cache); } // ok but as always we can reverse the approach and produce a bottom-up // dynamic programming implementation and save our selves all the call overheads // since in this problem the tree search is not sparse and every case will be // visited // // Note denoms need to be in reverse order.. max to min! std::vector<uint32_t> minCoins_botImpl(uint32_t total, const std::vector<uint32_t>& denom, std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t> >& cache) { // compute for (int target = 1; target <= total; ++target) { cache[target][denom.size()] = INT_MAX; // set count to max and overflowed for(int i = 0; i < denom.size(); ++i) { if (target >= denom[i]) { uint32_t delta = target - denom[i]; if (cache[delta][denom.size()] + 1 < cache[target][denom.size()]) { cache[target] = cache[delta]; ++(cache[target][i]); ++(cache[target][denom.size()]); } } } } return cache[total]; } std::vector<uint32_t> minCoins_bot(uint32_t total, const std::vector<uint32_t>& denom) { // setup memory std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t> > cache; cache.resize(total + 1); for (int i = 0; i < total+1; ++i) cache[i].resize(denom.size()+1); return minCoins_botImpl(total, denom, cache); } // ok so we can improve the bottom up DP version and shave a bit more time by // visiting items in the order of current coin count as a result we will create // only the counts that reach towards the // std::vector<uint32_t> minCoins_botUpReach(uint32_t total, const std::vector<uint32_t>& denom) { // we are dividing by making the full decistion for each coin and then removing it from the list if (total == 0) return std::vector<uint32_t>(denom.size()+1, 0); // setup memory std::vector< std::vector<uint32_t> > cache(total + 1, std::vector<uint32_t>(denom.size()+1, 0)); std::list<uint32_t> queue; queue.push_back(0); while(not queue.empty()) { uint32_t curTotal = queue.front(); queue.pop_front(); for(int i = 0; i < denom.size(); ++i) { uint32_t newTotal = curTotal + denom[i]; if (newTotal <= total and cache[newTotal][denom.size()] == 0) { // ok its empty cache[newTotal] = cache[curTotal]; ++(cache[newTotal][i]); ++(cache[newTotal][denom.size()]); if (newTotal == total) return cache[total]; queue.push_back(newTotal); } } } // impossible case cache[0][denom.size()] = INT_MAX; return cache[0]; } // over all the results are: // * the greedy continues to kick butt but can be wrong.. this was expected as it // guess and looks at 1 path to the solution // * recursive and depth pruned implementation work but are awful because they // repeat the same work over and over // * the divide and conquer performs well and bets the dynamic programming // implementations when the target n is small... this was a surprising result to // me as the top down implementation effectively tries to exhaust the largest // coins first, and does this by calling the cache value mid point.. hence i // expected it to bet the divide and conquer, because it does effectively // the same with caching // * the dynamic programming versions work best in the long term they: // + are pruning because they use the cache results to effect early termination // + effectively implement the divide and conquer version by taking largest // coin first and it should be faster then the div/conq because it can use the // the cached result mid point and can trim the computations of multiple coins draws // with the same value (hence its pointless to DP covert the div/conq version) // + The bottom up DP also optimizes further by removing the function call overhead void test(const char* label, std::function<std::vector<uint32_t> (uint32_t, const std::vector<uint32_t>&)> func, uint32_t n, const std::vector<uint32_t>& denom) { auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::vector<uint32_t> res = func(n, denom); auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); std::cout << label << ": result:"; for (int i = 0; i < denom.size(); ++i) std::cout << denom[i] << "x" << res[i] << " "; std::cout << " count:" << res[denom.size()] << "\n"; std::cout << " -- time:" << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end - start).count() << " nSec\n"; } void testSet(uint32_t n, const std::initializer_list<uint32_t>& dlist) { std::vector<uint32_t> denom(dlist); std::cout << "\n*** test set for " << n << " *** \n"; test("greedy ", minCoins_greedy,n, denom); if (n < 30) test("naive ", minCoins_naive ,n, denom); else std::cout << "skipping naive\n"; if (n < 200) test("pruned ", minCoins_pruned,n, denom); else std::cout << "skipping pruned\n"; if (n < 2000) test("divAndConq", minCoins_divAndConq,n, denom); else std::cout << "skipping div and conqurer\n"; test("top ", minCoins_top ,n, denom); test("bot ", minCoins_bot ,n, denom); test("botUpReach", minCoins_botUpReach ,n, denom); } int main() { // breakers testSet(0, {20,15,5,4,1}); testSet(1, {2}); testSet(23, {20,15,5,4,1}); // attack greedy testSet(46, {20,15,5,4,1}); // attack greedy testSet(31, {20,15,5,4,1}); // attack greedy testSet(43, {20,15,5,4,1}); // attack greedy testSet(100, {20,15,5,4,1}); // attack bottom up testSet(1000, {20,15,5,4,1}); testSet(1000, {13,7,1}); testSet(10000, {20,15,5,4,1}); }The output looks like:
*** test set for 0 *** greedy : result:20x0 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:0 -- time:1852 nSec naive : result:20x0 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:0 -- time:572 nSec pruned : result:20x0 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:0 -- time:987 nSec divAndConq: result:20x0 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:0 -- time:443 nSec top : result:20x0 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:0 -- time:3814 nSec bot : result:20x0 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:0 -- time:1658 nSec botUpReach: result:20x0 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:0 -- time:329 nSec *** test set for 1 *** greedy : result:2x0 count:2147483647 -- time:548 nSec naive : result:2x0 count:2147483647 -- time:388 nSec pruned : result:2x0 count:2147483647 -- time:563 nSec divAndConq: result:2x0 count:2147483647 -- time:420 nSec top : result:2x0 count:2147483647 -- time:2380 nSec bot : result:2x0 count:2147483647 -- time:1881 nSec botUpReach: result:2x0 count:2147483647 -- time:3839 nSec *** test set for 23 *** greedy : result:20x1 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x3 count:4 -- time:529 nSec naive : result:20x0 15x1 5x0 4x2 1x0 count:3 -- time:5941762 nSec pruned : result:20x0 15x1 5x0 4x2 1x0 count:3 -- time:69194 nSec divAndConq: result:20x0 15x1 5x0 4x2 1x0 count:3 -- time:9601 nSec top : result:20x0 15x1 5x0 4x2 1x0 count:3 -- time:26959 nSec bot : result:20x0 15x1 5x0 4x2 1x0 count:3 -- time:19781 nSec botUpReach: result:20x0 15x1 5x0 4x2 1x0 count:3 -- time:14906 nSec *** test set for 46 *** greedy : result:20x2 15x0 5x1 4x0 1x1 count:4 -- time:534 nSec skipping naive pruned : result:20x2 15x0 5x1 4x0 1x1 count:4 -- time:798560 nSec divAndConq: result:20x2 15x0 5x1 4x0 1x1 count:4 -- time:46203 nSec top : result:20x2 15x0 5x1 4x0 1x1 count:4 -- time:56899 nSec bot : result:20x2 15x0 5x1 4x0 1x1 count:4 -- time:37923 nSec botUpReach: result:20x2 15x0 5x1 4x0 1x1 count:4 -- time:32182 nSec *** test set for 31 *** greedy : result:20x1 15x0 5x2 4x0 1x1 count:4 -- time:561 nSec skipping naive pruned : result:20x0 15x2 5x0 4x0 1x1 count:3 -- time:134656 nSec divAndConq: result:20x0 15x2 5x0 4x0 1x1 count:3 -- time:16872 nSec top : result:20x0 15x2 5x0 4x0 1x1 count:3 -- time:38468 nSec bot : result:20x0 15x2 5x0 4x0 1x1 count:3 -- time:25553 nSec botUpReach: result:20x0 15x2 5x0 4x0 1x1 count:3 -- time:19032 nSec *** test set for 43 *** greedy : result:20x2 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x3 count:5 -- time:480 nSec skipping naive pruned : result:20x1 15x1 5x0 4x2 1x0 count:4 -- time:731592 nSec divAndConq: result:20x1 15x1 5x0 4x2 1x0 count:4 -- time:34070 nSec top : result:20x1 15x1 5x0 4x2 1x0 count:4 -- time:54569 nSec bot : result:20x1 15x1 5x0 4x2 1x0 count:4 -- time:35912 nSec botUpReach: result:20x1 15x1 5x0 4x2 1x0 count:4 -- time:30253 nSec *** test set for 100 *** greedy : result:20x5 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:5 -- time:567 nSec skipping naive pruned : result:20x5 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:5 -- time:7856557 nSec divAndConq: result:20x5 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:5 -- time:371883 nSec top : result:20x5 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:5 -- time:107881 nSec bot : result:20x5 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:5 -- time:79875 nSec botUpReach: result:20x5 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:5 -- time:60365 nSec *** test set for 1000 *** greedy : result:20x50 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:50 -- time:728 nSec skipping naive skipping pruned divAndConq: result:20x50 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:50 -- time:1654224850 nSec top : result:20x50 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:50 -- time:838802 nSec bot : result:20x50 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:50 -- time:766986 nSec botUpReach: result:20x50 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:50 -- time:736739 nSec *** test set for 1000 *** greedy : result:13x76 7x1 1x5 count:82 -- time:651 nSec skipping naive skipping pruned divAndConq: result:13x76 7x1 1x5 count:82 -- time:1220761 nSec top : result:13x76 7x1 1x5 count:82 -- time:704132 nSec bot : result:13x76 7x1 1x5 count:82 -- time:685573 nSec botUpReach: result:13x76 7x1 1x5 count:82 -- time:686982 nSec *** test set for 10000 *** greedy : result:20x500 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:500 -- time:559 nSec skipping naive skipping pruned skipping div and conqurer top : result:20x500 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:500 -- time:8379256 nSec bot : result:20x500 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:500 -- time:7830593 nSec botUpReach: result:20x500 15x0 5x0 4x0 1x0 count:500 -- time:7763225 nSec
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