I dont have admin rights on my work machine but needed a multi screen toolbar app now winXP. "multimon" seemed to install without an issue and worked well. It doesnt seem to need to mess with the OS to run.
A great alt key alternative is Vista Switcher(also works on XP) This app gives you a preview of the widow and allows you to filter based on monitor with ctrl+alt+tab
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
C Bit packing and structs
Bit packing of a struct is achieved with the ":" after the member of the struct this little item is great for working with binary images of data however it can lead to surprises. Always keep in mind the compiled result will mask and shift every thing you place in the struct.
The output looks like this (depending on machine endianness)
#include <stdint.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef struct { uint8_t a :6; uint8_t b :1; uint8_t c :1; } Test1; typedef struct { uint8_t a; uint8_t b; uint8_t c; } Test2; typedef union { struct { uint8_t a :6; uint8_t b :1; uint8_t c :1; } bits; uint8_t full; } Test3; int main() { Test3 test3; cout << sizeof(Test1) << endl; cout << sizeof(Test2) << endl; cout << sizeof(Test3) << endl; test3.bits.a = 0; test3.bits.b = 0; test3.bits.c = 0; cout << "Test3 inited:" << endl << (int)test3.bits.a << endl << (int)test3.bits.b << endl << (int)test3.full << endl; test3.bits.a = 0xff; cout << "Test3.bits.a loaded with 255:" << endl << (int)test3.bits.a << endl << (int)test3.bits.b << endl << (int)test3.full << endl; test3.bits.a = 0x0; test3.bits.b = 0xff; cout << "Test3.bits.b loaded with 255:" << endl << (int)test3.bits.a << endl << (int)test3.bits.b << endl << (int)test3.full << endl; }
The output looks like this (depending on machine endianness)
1 3 1 Test3 inited: 0 0 0 Test3.bits.a loaded with 255: 63 0 252 Test3.bits.b loaded with 255: 0 1 2
A perl implementation of find
Recently working on a system which has a busted find command need a fix.. it is about 300% slower than the real thing so use it when needed only
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Cwd; my $start=$ARGV[0]; sub find { my ($dirname) = @_; my $dh; opendir($dh, $dirname) or die "Couldn't open dir '$dirname': $!"; my @files = readdir($dh); closedir($dh); #print files... foreach my $file (@files) { if( ($file) && ($file !~ /^\.$/) && ($file !~ /^\.\.$/) ) { my $path = "$dirname/$file"; print "$path\n"; if(-d "$path") { find("$path"); } } } } $start = "." unless $start; find($start);
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friends and Inhertance
In C++ there is a common gotcha with friends and inheritance.
The rules are summarized as
Example code;
This produces this result:
The rules are summarized as
- Friend access is one way.
- Friends of a friend have no access.
- Children of a friend have no access.
- Children of a parent with a friend will allow the friend to access them like the parent.
IE friend access of a derived class is limited to interface present on the original base class only. Virtual functions will operate as normal if they are accessible.
Example code;
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class FriendOfFriendA; class FriendA; class A{ public: A() : stuff(8) {} int get(){return stuff;} protected: virtual int vget(){return stuff;} int stuff; friend class FriendA; }; class KidA : public A { public: KidA() : A(), kidStuff(9) { stuff = 16; } protected: int kidGet(){return kidStuff;} virtual int vget(){return kidStuff;} int kidStuff; }; class FriendA{ public: int getA(A& a){return a.stuff;} int getKidA(KidA& a){return a.stuff;} //int getKidAstuff(KidA a){return a.kidStuff;} //BAD only a's stuff is a friend //int getKidAstuff(KidA a){return a.kidGet();} //BAD only a's stuff is a friend int getVirtualA(A* a){return a->vget();} friend class FriendOfFriendA; static int pubStaticGetA(A& a) { return a.stuff; } private: static int privStaticGetA(A& a) { return a.stuff; } }; class FriendOfFriendA{ public: //int getADDirect(A& a){return a.stuff;} //BAD no freind of a friend access int getAIndirect(A& a){return FriendA::pubStaticGetA(a);} int getADoubleIndirect(A& a){return FriendA::privStaticGetA(a);} }; class FriendAKid : public FriendA{ public: //int getADDirect(A& a){return a.stuff;} //BAD no child of a friend access int getADIndirect(A& a){return getA(a);} }; int main() { A a; KidA kidA; FriendA friendA; FriendAKid friendAKid; FriendOfFriendA friendOfFriendA; cout << "friendA.getA(a) : " << friendA.getA(a) << endl; cout << "friendA::pubStaticGetA(a) : " << FriendA::pubStaticGetA(a) << endl; cout << "friendA.getVirtualA(a) : " << friendA.getVirtualA(&a) << endl; cout << "friendA.getVirtualA(kidA) : " << friendA.getVirtualA(&kidA) << endl; cout << "friendA.getKidA(kidA) : " << friendA.getKidA(kidA) << endl; //cout << "friendOfFriendA.getADDirect(a) : " << friendOfFriendA.getADDirect(a) << endl; cout << "friendOfFriendA.getAIndirect(a) : " << friendOfFriendA.getAIndirect(a) << endl; cout << "friendOfFriendA.getADoubleIndirect(a) : " << friendOfFriendA.getADoubleIndirect(a) << endl; cout << "friendAKid.getADIndirect(a) : " << friendAKid.getADIndirect(a) << endl; }
This produces this result:
friendA.getA(a) : 8 friendA::pubStaticGetA(a) : 8 friendA.getVirtualA(a) : 8 friendA.getVirtualA(kidA) : 9 friendA.getKidA(kidA) : 16 friendOfFriendA.getAIndirect(a) : 8 friendOfFriendA.getADoubleIndirect(a) : 8 friendAKid.getADIndirect(a) : 8
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Adjusting emacs tabs in namespaces only
Dealing with a large project with lots of c++ namespaces and scoping; Here is how to kill the indents from the namespace regions in emacs
To find out your current syntax state hit \C-c\C-s (crtl-c ctrl-s)
;; Basic indentation (setq c-basic-offset 4) (defun my-c-setup () (c-set-offset 'innamespace 0)) (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'my-c-setup)
To find out your current syntax state hit \C-c\C-s (crtl-c ctrl-s)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
sh simple counted command line loops
For repeated predictable execution of times
i=64; while [ $i -ne 0 ]; do echo $i; i=`expr $i - 1`; done
Portable script shebang
Let say you need a script to execute on multiple systems but the admins and OS's all have there own idea on where things belong. Here is a quick way to get the script to locate the interpreter 99% of the time
#!/usr/bin/env perl
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Quick and dirty hex converter
void convertHex() { string exchangeHex = "0123"; int exchange; //exchangeHex std::stringstream ss; ss << std::hex << exchangeHex; ss >> exchange; cout << exchange << endl; }
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Googles got a bouncy logo
UPDATE: Rob Hawkes has recreated it in html5 here;
And Mark Brenig-Jones has mod'ed it slightly
probably just for today..
And Mark Brenig-Jones has mod'ed it slightly
probably just for today..
a fatal relocation error
A fatal relocation error:
This error means that you have included a dynamic library in your build but at run time the library that it uses is mismatched. This can happened if you rebuilt the lib after the exe, or failed to move the new lib into place etc.
This error means that you have included a dynamic library in your build but at run time the library that it uses is mismatched. This can happened if you rebuilt the lib after the exe, or failed to move the new lib into place etc.
Monday, September 6, 2010
xterm colors and settings
Edit ~/.Xresources and add the following
Then execute this command
Here is a more complex version of it
xterm*foreground: white xterm*background: black
Then execute this command
xrdb ~/.XresourcesThen open a new terminal to test.
Here is a more complex version of it
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
graphviz map of the linkage between .a files
This hacked up piece of perl script will generate a dot compatible piece of text that will display the mapping of the libs in a project.
Execute with the following (assuming you called the saved file "nm_deps.pl"
#!/usr/bin/perl my $path = "path/to/libs" # get the nm results for the system @ret = `find $path | grep "\.a$" | xargs nm -A`; #@ret = `cat data.tmp`; # 0 = lib[object] # 6 = DEF/UNDEF # ./path_to_lib.a[object_in_lib.o]: [152] | 0| 0|FUNC |GLOB |0 |UNDEF | func_name_in_obj my $count = 20; my %defs = (); my %connects = (); # break appart the result and map what are uages of functions and what are definations print " // mapping functions...\n"; foreach $line (@ret) { chomp($line); @cols = split(/\|/, $line); $file = $cols[0]; $undef = $cols[6]; $func = $cols[7]; # $file =~ s/:.*//; # for in lib object inter-dependency... $file =~ s/\[.*//; # for lib file inter-dependency... if( $undef =~ /UNDEF/ ) { $connects{ $func }{ $file } = 1; } else { $defs{$func} = $file; } } # now merge the usage with the definition as the file linkage my %map = (); print " // merging func usage to definition...\n"; foreach $func (sort keys %connects) { $files = $connects{$func}; $def_file = $defs{$func}; foreach $file (sort keys %$files) { $map{$def_file}{$file} = 1; } } my %node = (); my $node_count = 0; print " // generating node index...\n"; foreach $src_file (sort keys %map) { unless( exists( $node{$src_file} ) ) { $node{$src_file} = $node_count; $node_count = $node_count + 1; } $files = $map{$src_func}; foreach $tar (sort keys %$files) { unless( exists( $node{$tar} ) ) { $node{$tar} = $node_count; $node_count = $node_count + 1; } } } print " // generating dot file...\n"; print "digraph linkmapping {\n"; foreach $key (sort keys %node) { $idx = $node{$key}; print " n$idx [label=\"$key\"];\n"; } foreach $src_file (sort keys %map) { $files = $map{$src_func}; $src_node = $node{$src_file}; foreach $tar (sort keys %$files) { $tar_node = $node{$tar}; print " n$tar_node -> n$src_node;\n"; } } print "}";
Execute with the following (assuming you called the saved file "nm_deps.pl"
nm_deps.pl > map.dot dot map.dot -Tpng -omap.png
count the occurace of words in a file
cat filename | tr '[:punct:]' ' ' | tr ' ' '\012' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
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