Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stream wrappers for cerr and cout

Its always convient to have a quick wrapper class at your finger tips to turn on or off all output from you system in one foul swoop. Here is a class that adds a layer of indirection to output and allows you to go into a "testing" mode where all output is suppressed

//compile with g++

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Streams 
static Streams& instance()
        static Streams* self = NULL;
        if(self == NULL)
            self = new Streams();
        return *self;

    static inline std::ostream& out() { return *(instance().out_); }
    static inline std::ostream& err() { return *(instance().err_); }

    void setNormal()
        out_ = &std::cout;
        err_ = &std::cerr;

    void setRedirected()
            delete test;
        test = new std::ostringstream();
        out_ =  test;
        err_ =  test;

    Streams() { test = NULL; setNormal(); }
    ~Streams() { if(test) delete test; }

    std::ostream* test;
    std::ostream* out_;
    std::ostream* err_;

int main()
    Streams::out() << "bah bah bah" << endl;
    Streams::err() << "err erh ber" << endl;


    Streams::out() << "bah bah bah" << endl;
    Streams::err() << "err erh ber" << endl;

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